e-Club Store respects your privacy and works hard to safeguard the privacy of your company data/personal data. We realize that the exciting growth of the Internet and online services raise questions concerning the nature, use and confidentiality of information collected about consumers. We want you to know that we apply our long-standing commitment of safeguarding privacy to our online and Internet activities. In addition to this general online privacy policy, you may receive notice of other terms that apply to particular promotions or services.
Company/Personally Identifiable Information

e-Club Store does not share, disclose or sell any personally-identifiable information (such as your company, your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address) collected online on e-Club' sites with other unaffiliated companies or organizations for non-e-Club Store marketing purposes. Because this information is a critical part of our business, it would be treated like our other assets in the context of a merger, sale or other corporate reorganization or legal proceeding. E-Club Store also does not market to, or knowingly collect personal information from, children under the age of 13 on Company sites.
Rules for cross border

If someone has an established account – there will be no issue adding more funds from anywhere or any store. If they don’t have an account set up, they will be prompted to enter their address and that will set the country. In some country combos Valve have automatic overrides in place, or if a customer has established history from one country Valve will override it. Outside of those, the customer will be told to contact support and we set an override on their account and then voila – no more issues.


e-Club Store uses the personally-identifiable information we collect online principally to provide you with the service(s) you have ordered and to let you know about other offerings which may be of interest to you. Postal and e-mail address information, for example, enables communication about services offered and ordered, as well as the proper provisioning and billing of those services. At any point of time, should you feel the need to opt-out future communications with e-Club, options are given within to exclude those communicated messages to you. We also provide personally-identifiable online information in response to subpoenas and other legal demands, and where we believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against individuals who may be endangering public safety or interfering with e-Club' services, or with our customers' or others' use of them.
How We Collect Information

e-Club Store collects information online by asking you for it, for example, when you order a service, apply for a job, or respond to a survey, offer or other promotion. A customer's name, address (postal and e-mail) and telephone number are the most important pieces of information, but we might request other information, based on, for example, the service(s) being ordered or promoted. e-Club Store may also use "cookies" and similar technology to obtain information about your visits to our sites or your responses to e-mail from us - both individually and in aggregated data that does not identify you. These reporting tools tell us the parts of our web sites or e-mails in which you showed an interest or took some action, and help us improve the quality and usefulness of our sites.


We use encryption, firewalls and other technology and security procedures to help protect the accuracy and security of your personal information and prevent unauthorized access or improper use. For example, you will note that while using some features of the e-Club's web site you will need to submit a password or some other type of authenticating information.


Notice: Product offered subject to your acceptance of the Steam Subscriber Agreement ("SSA").
You must activate this product via the Internet by registering for a Steam account and accepting the SSA.
Please see to view the SSA prior to purchase.
If you do not agree with the provisions of the SSA, you should not purchase the game.

For more information and assistance: please visit

This Steam Subscriber Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal document that explains your rights and obligations as a subscriber of Steam from either Valve Corporation (“Valve”) or, as applicable, Valve S.a.r.l (“Valve EU”). Please read it carefully.


Valve is introducing a new Steam Site License Program for any organization interested in letting users run Steam at their establishment(s). The program leverages a host of Steam tools that makes it easy for licensees to administer and manage the service. These organizations can be any location that provides access to the Internet which includes but is not limited to Cybercafés, PC Bangs, retail shops, coffee shops, schools, libraries, hospitals, theaters, airplanes, buses, trains, subways, etc. They must also be registered as a non-profit, public institution, sole proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company, corporation, or other organized group with a registration number.

Users of Steam within your facility will be able to log in to Steam with their own personal accounts, download and access content that they own or is provided by your organization, and use all services provided by Steam including purchasing of content and in-game items, collection of badges, achievements, game drops, trading cards, etc.

For more information and assistance: please visit

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